Neutral Network

introduce Perceptrons and sigmoid

refer: Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits

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recognize hand digits

Let’s start from a basic task,  recognize those digits  we don’t usually appreciate how tough a problem our visual systems solve.    write a computer program to recognize digits like those above    try to make such rules precise will got tou confuse

Neural networks

The idea is to take a large number of handwritten digits

 develop a system which can learn from those training examples

artificial neuron called a perceptron. the main neuron model used is one called the sigmoid neuron

write a computer program implementing a neural network

ocusing on handwriting recognition because it’s an excellent prototype problem for learning about neural networks in general.

improve accuracy


a perceptrons is a device to add evidence to make decisions

perceptron is that it’s a device that makes decisions by weighing up evidence

 ###### how do perceptrons work?    ##### algebraic terms   A perceptron takes several binary inputs, x1,x2,…x1,x2,…, and produces a single binary output:


Rosenblatt use weights the importance of the respective inputs to the output The neuron’s output, 0 or 1, is determined by whether the weighted sum  is less than or greater than some threshold value.   image.png

A way you can think about the perceptron is that it’s a device that makes decisions by weighing up evidence.

By varying the weights and the threshold, we can get different models of decision-making.


we’ll call the first layer of perceptrons - is making three very simple decisions, by weighing the input evidence.

 In this way a perceptron in the second layer can make a decision at a more complex and more abstract level than perceptrons in the first layer.

In this way, a many-layer network of perceptrons can engage in sophisticated decision making.

In fact, they’re still single output. The multiple output arrows are merely a useful way of indicating that the output from a perceptron is being used as the input to several other perceptrons.

simplify one The first change is to write 

image.png as a dot product


 w and x are vectors whose components are the weights and inputs

 move the threshold to the other side of the inequality, and to replace it by what’s known as the perceptron’s bias


bias can be seen as a way to measure how easy  it is to get the perceptron to output a 1

the bias is a measure of how easy it is to get the perceptron to fire.

 it leads to further notational simplifications. Because of this, in the remainder of the book we won’t use the threshold, we’ll always use the bias.

 ###### compute the elementary logical functions  suppose we have a perceptron with two inputs, each with weight −2, and an overall bias of 3.  image.png the input 1 produces output 0, nputs 1 and 0 produce output 1 NAND gate!

we can use networks of perceptrons to compute any logical function at all.

Actually, in neural networks, a neuron has only one output, which is then broadcasted to all its outgoing connections.


for encoding input, we define a input layer, This notation for input perceptrons, in which we have an output, but no inputs. better to consider special units which are simply defined to output the desired values.


It turns out that we can devise learning algorithms which can automatically tune the weights and biases of a network of artificial neurons.

Sigmoid neurons

we already know that our neural networks can simply learn to solve problems, automatically tune the weights and biases of a network of artificial neurons.

This tuning happens in response to external stimuli, without direct intervention by a programmer.

how can we devise such algorithms for a neural network?

before design ourself, let’s see how network behave when a small change happen


a small change will cause a small corresponding change in the output

this property will make learning possible what we need is to make small change and let output closer to actual value.

But the problem is, when small change happens. output from perceptron more likely to flip like 0 -> 1, That flip may then cause the output overcontrol and unpredictable

That’s where sigmoid neuron comes

We can overcome this problem by introducing a new type of artificial neuron called a sigmoid neuron

Sigmoid neurons are similar to perceptrons, but modified so that small changes in their weights and bias cause only a small change in their output.


output instead of 0 and 1 is image.png

where σ is called the sigmoid function or logistic neurons


we put it explicaitly


we can take the algebraic form as a technical detail than barrier of understatnding

the similarity to the perceptron model


when z is large and positive, the output from the sigmoid neuron is approximately 1, On the Other hand the output is approximately 0

the behaviour of a sigmoid neuron also closely approximates a perceptron. Only z has a modest size that there’s much deviation from the perceptron model.

Indeed, it’s the smoothness of the σσ function that is the crucial fact, not its detailed form.


and we have another version


In that case, the the sigmoid neuron would be a perceptron since the output would be 1 or 0 (we ignore modest value) so sigmoid is basicly smoother version of perceptron

 Indeed, it’s the smoothness of the σσ function that is the crucial fact

we already know image.png can be approximated by


Don’t panic !!! Only the shape of fuction matters, actually we will talk more for other activation function

where the output is f(w⋅x+b) for some other activation function f(⋅)

Δoutput is a linear function of the changes Δwj and Δb in the weights and bias

This linearity makes it easy to choose small changes in the weights and biases to achieve any desired small change in the output.

So sigmod simulating perceptrons make it much easier to figure out how changing the weights and biases will change the output.

Anyway, one big difference between perceptrons and sigmoid neurons is that sigmoid neurons don’t just output 0 or 1.


Sigmoid neurons simulating perceptrons, part I

Suppose we take all the weights and biases in a network of perceptrons, and multiply them by a positive constant, c>0. Show that the behaviour of the network doesn’t change.


Sigmoid neurons simulating perceptrons, part II

Suppose we have the same setup as the last problem - a network of perceptrons. Suppose also that the overall input to the network of perceptrons has been chosen. We won’t need the actual input value, we just need the input to have been fixed.

Suppose the weights and biases are such that  image.pngfor the input x to any particular perceptron in the network. Now replace all the perceptrons in the network by sigmoid neurons, and multiply the weights and biases by a positive constant c>0.

Show that in the limit as c→∞ the behaviour of this network of sigmoid neurons is exactly the same as the network of perceptrons.

How can this fail when w⋅x+b=0 for one of the perceptrons?


Last modified March 12, 2025: update 159.225 & 159.261 (e7038bd)